A Journey Out of Time Page 4
She stirred feelings in Duncan that he could hardly control. Feelings he didn't want to control! He was grateful he put on his sporran & it was where it was so she couldn't notice the rise in his kilt. He grinned & wondered what she would think if she saw it. Duncan chuckled & took her arm & wrapped it around his. They continued walking.
Sonya stole a glance at him, still unable to control her breathing. She was grateful no one could see her stomach doing flip-flops! As they came to the end of the stone wall they stood there looking out as the moonlight shimmered off the loch. Duncan glanced at her & as their eyes held he stated in an even tone, "Our tattoos are generally blue."
She moved her hand down to the Celtic cross on her chest, smiling at him. "Do you have any?" she asked. He looked at her & chuckled.
"Aye, lass, I do."
She looked out over the loch, the heat in her face making her turn away. "And I have more," she stated out into the night air.
"Really? Where?" She laughed as Duncan actually looked briefly surprised at his own question & then he laughed. His eyes were shining. "Maybe one day I will show you."
"Aye, lass."
Sonya felt like she could scream. Oh my God! That was a statement!
Upon reaching the door, Duncan turned & said, "I will be gone when ye get up in the morn, lass." He chuckled. "Och, doona worry, lass, I will return soon."
She felt her face turn hot & decided to look at her shoes, which she couldn't see. What was wrong with her? Trying to clear all traces of caring, she looked up. "Have a safe trip."
"We will speak upon my return & I will tell ye all about it." They both smiled.
"I would really like that." They walked to the stairs.
"Goodnight, lass."
"Goodnight," she felt giddy & wanted to run. She could barely controlled herself. At the top of the steps she turned back & saw Duncan speaking with a couple of his men. She continued up to her room.
Duncan watched Sonya as she appeared to float up the stairs. He recalled the way her chest heaved up & down when he touched her. It was that Celtic cross he had seen on her chest earlier in the day. He smiled. Sonya was destined to be here long before she came. She was destined to be his & he hers. She was not the only one that felt the power flow. He now understood what his da had once told him about finding his one true mate. A feeling that could never be compared, his da had said. He was so right. Sonya was his mate. The question now was, did she know it?
As Sonya entered the room she was taken aback at finding a little boy asleep, curled up next to the dog, Aaralyn. She smiled. How can you not look at that & smile? She reached down & touched his soft hair. She quietly crept back out to see if she could find someone to help get him to bed. She had no idea where the boy's room was. As she turned she ran right into Duncan & it was like running into a brick wall! He looked down at her, his hands holding her arms so she didn't fall back. Her hands pressed against his chest. The pulse that shot through her seemed drowned out by the sound of her heartbeat ringing in her ears.
"I am sorry, lass. I was wondering if ye had seen Ewan.". Neither of them moved away. The hard body against hers made her ache from her breasts to between her thighs. Breathing? What was that?
"As a matter of fact," she said quietly. She looked at him, not wanting to move. Backing up a step, with her hands still touching his hard chest, she still looked into his bright eyes. Sonya hesitated, turned & opened the door. Duncan was so close behind her…
He saw his son & smiled. Duncan picked up Ewan & smiled down at her as he went passed. Sonya whistled softly to the dog. "Come, Aaralyn."
Duncan stopped & turned, Ewan fast asleep in his arms. "What did you call her?" He had an odd look. Then it dawned on her. If Aaralyn was Ewan's mother…
"Aaralyn. Ewan named her." Sonya couldn't read Duncan's eyes.
Following Duncan across the landing to the other wing she opened the door he stopped in front of. Candlelight lit the boy's room. Moving past Duncan she quickly pulled the blankets down as he laid his son on the bed. Then she leaned down removing the boy's boots, handing them to Duncan. Duncan smiled & set them on the floor. Sonya pat the bed & Ewan's dog settled right next to him. She leaned down & kissed Ewan on the head & then Aaralyn. "Goodnight Ewan. Goodnight girl. Sweet dreams." As she stood up, Duncan's face had a look of tenderness. Perhaps he was surprised by her actions, she wasn't sure. She went to the door & waited, watching as Duncan kissed his son goodnight. He ruffled the dogs fur & they went out.
"'Twas a kind thing that ye did, lass. Thank ye."
"What was?"
"The dog."
"He is a growing boy & she will be good for him."
"Aye, lass, she will. Thank ye for helping put him to bed."
She smiled. "Goodnight, Duncan of the Clan MacLeod."
Duncan smiled a broad grin. "Aye, & to ye Sonya of the Clan MacLeod."
She curtsied low & turned to go down the corridor to her room, listening to his laughter as she went. She felt light inside & had a smile that should have hurt her face. She didn't seem able to wipe it off. Leaning on the door after she closed it she breathed in the air coming in from the window. Grabbing a nightgown she bounced onto the bed, smiling. Suddenly she stood up & started jumping on the bed, laughing as she dropped down. She put on the gown & crawled between the soft blankets. After saying her prayers, she slept very well. She dreamed of Duncan again.
As Duncan stood looking out of his window he thought of Sonya taking off Ewan's shoes & kissing him goodnight. Duncan couldn't help but feel something else. She had done it as if Ewan were her own; gentle & loving. This lass would make a good mother to his bairn. A lot of bairn! He recalled her bidding him good nigh, watching her breasts as she went forward; her mischievous grin. He couldn't help but laugh. Not only did she have a body that he longed to touch, but she had fire, compassion & was smart. Duncan finally went to his bed, hoping he would not lay awake all night thinking of all the ways he would make love to her. Would? He smiled a big smile as he lay back in his bed. Aye, would!
Two families were going to attempt to return to America. They had left with Duncan that morning. Their numbers were slowly dwindling & it gave Sonya a kind of sadness. She didn't know if they knew what would be in store for them when they got there, or if they just wanted to believe that if they went back it would be like it was before. Either way, she wished them luck. America in the 1300's? She didn't look enough like her other ancestors, the Cherokee. That would be quite an adventure!
A few of the other families were traveling to other various places; England, Wales, Ireland, Germany. Not too many would be remaining here. She smiled at the thought of Duncan & everything he was doing for all of the people. People he didn't even know. Why was there such a pride that she felt about him & his kindness? She wished she could have met his parents. She was sure they would be proud as well.
"Good morning, ladies!"
"Good morrow, Miss," came the unison. Iona set bread & honey in front of Sonya.
"Thank you. Oh, this bread smells so good!"
Wynn smiled, but said nothing. Sarah looked over at her & Iona giggled.
"The Laird is gone?"
"Aye, Miss," Sarah nodded. "Before first light."
"Well, I will take this with me & be off. Lots to do today! Have a good day, ladies!"
"Ye just be careful, working on that beastie, lass. I nay wish to be a patching up anyone else."
"Thank you Wynn, I will!" Sonya smiled & went out the kitchen door.
Chris was already removing panels from the plane. Two of his daughters were taking out screws with a tool he had fashioned. Sonya waved at them as she entered the inside of the plane.
"Hello, Kerry. How are you today?"
She looked up. "Hi ya. I'm fine & you?"
"I am well. How are you all coping with all of this?"
"I have my moments. It isn't always easy."
know. I imagine it can seem especially strange since you come from England."
Kerry chuckled. "That is only part of the weirdness as you know!" They looked at each other & laughed. "Well, at least you finally got to Scotland!"
"Yes, but I wasn't quite aiming for this time frame. Not to mention the history here, doesn't add up with ours."
"Yes, even I have noticed that."
"So, Duncan tells me you have decided to stay here."
"Yes. He offered us a home & we have nothing else."
Sonya didn't want her to cry. "Well, you have me!"
Kerry smiled, "Yes, I sure do."
"So, what have you been doing so far?"
"Well, I am getting all the rest of the luggage together to go up to the house. I figure we can go through it all there. I am not sure about all of the electronics. I will die when my camera's battery dies!"
"Oh, I know. You will have to keep it as long as you can. Anyway, we will take all we can & see what we have. Maybe we will find some spare batteries!"
"True," she smiled & they set to work.
"Kerry, sweetheart," yelled her husband.
"I have something for you two to use."
They went to the opening to see a horse pulling a cart.
"Oh, that is great!" Kerry smiled proudly at her husband.
"Thanks, Chris. This will really help," Sonya added.
He looked pleased & promptly returned to work. He wasn't the type that said a lot, but Sonya liked talking to him when he did. She chuckled, wondering what he would do since American football hadn't been invented yet. He was a die-hard Bronco fan. Hmm. Maybe he could show them how to play it! It wouldn't exactly be American any more. Kerry & Sonya on the other hand could talk until the end of time. She was glad to have a friend like her & although she wouldn't wish her the loss of her family, she was grateful she had her there.
"Duncan told Chris to get as much done as we could."
"I imagine it has to do with other's seeing the plane. People are probably superstitious."
Kerry & Sonya looked at each other for a moment. "Great, we are all witches & wizards," she said.
"See, you should have paid more attention to those Harry Potter movies!"
"No joke," she replied.
"I don't have a wand or a broom! How about you?" Sonya asked her.
"No, but I have a closer accent!" she grinned.
"Very true! I am sure Duncan would set them straight."
"Is that so?"
"Yup." Sonya tossed out a suitcase, trying to ignoring her friends tone. Kerry laughed. Sonya tried to hide her smile, but even eyes can smile! Sonya laughed & tossed out another bag.
"So, are you going to tell me or leave me in suspense like those books we read?"
"Tell you that he is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in my life?" Sonya breathed deeply.
"Yes! Things like that! Even I have eyes though."
Sonya leaned back on a row of seats. "Oh, Kerry! I have known him less than a week, but I feel like I have been waiting for him all my life. Can that really be possible?"
"Why not?"
"Ever heard that saying, 'too good to be true'?'"
"But you deserve someone to sweep you off your feet!"
Sonya smiled. "I would like him to keep me off my feet!" They looked at each other & laughed. "Boy, I hope Chris wasn't listening!"
"He wouldn't say anything anyway," Kerry smiled.
As long as Sonya had known Kerry & Chris she envied their banter & friendship with each other. Could she ever have anything like that? Did this have to happen for her to find it? As they worked she wondered where Duncan was & what he was doing.
"Have you met the young woman that sits up at the dias?" Sonya asked.
"Yes, her name is Brenna. She tries to watch after Ewan, but he gives her the slip sometimes."
"Ah, I see."
"I don't think you have to worry."
"Worry about what?"
"Sonya, his eyes follow you around the hall. When you aren't there, he looks for you. He likes you."
Sonya's heart wanted to soar & yet she was terrified too. She had been married once before & it didn't go well. And though she believed in people finding the right one, she didn't want to find another wrong one.
Between the work both women wondered about the people that survived the crash & the ones that didn't. It didn't make any sense. Did any people make it on the 'other side'? It was a better thought. Then families wouldn't lose anyone. Not as many aches, not so much sadness. And when did the time come to stop wondering & lay it to rest? They didn't know.
Cami was in the room sorting through items while John was playing with Ewan. Aaralyn was with them, wagging her tail as much as she could, jumping & barking.
"So, how is our mystery man, Cami?" Sonya asked.
"He seems to be fine. I have been reading to him. I keep hoping it will get through."
"They say that people in comas can hear you. We have collected all the id's we could find & thought maybe we can figure out his name."
"Oh, that is a great idea! After I am done here I will help look."
"Afraid he is married or something?" Sonya teased.
"That's very funny, Sonya." They smiled at each other.
By the time all of the sorting through was done they had piles everywhere. Soap, clothes, curling irons, photos, money, lotion, band-aids. You name it. Sonya never knew how interesting other peoples' suitcases could be! All of a sudden they heard, "I found him! His name is Ian Mackie." Kerry came hurrying across the room & handed Cami a driver's license of their mystery man. Not only did he have no photos of a wife & children in the wallet, he was coming home! To Scotland! They all looked at each other & burst out laughing!
"What a welcome home surprise he will be getting!" Cami laughed.
Sonya worried about Cami's reliance on taking care of this man, although she had seemed to come to terms with their predicament. Would she continue to take care of this man if he never woke up? What would happen if he did wake up? They knew nothing about him. Who knew what he might really be like? Sonya did understand it gave her purpose though & everyone needed a purpose.
Dinner was more solemn with the Laird away. Ewan sat down by Sonya, with Aaralyn resting by her new master's feet. Sonya looked over at Brenna who also did not sit at the dais, but across the room, & she nodded, smiling. Sonya wondered about her & Duncan. She was a young, beautiful woman. In this time she would normally be married. There weren't many young men around except the ones in the guard. In fact, Sonya was surprised there were so few people here, but perhaps it was because the MacLeod clan resided further north. Perhaps Duncan just liked it quiet.She wondered if it was this way when his father was here.
"I want to show you something."
"What's that Ewan?"
"Come on."
Sonya followed Ewan & the dog out of the hall & up the stairs. He led her to the other wing of the castle. The stairs at the opposite end were twice as big as the other ones & widened at the bottom in an elegant semicircle. The stones on the floor shone. She expected this was the entrance they used for formal occasions.
Ewan took her by the hand & hurriedly pulled her to a room around the corner & on the left. There were ornate, wooden, double doors. He opened the doors, pushing them wide. He smiled up at her & she followed him in. The light from the corridor spilled in & candle shadows flickered off the walls. The torches that were on the wall lay dormant. Sonya looked at Ewan & he grinned up at her. The room had huge, dark, timbered wood running along the ceiling. The huge fireplaces at each end had the ornate woodwork like the fireplaces in the other hall. They were beautiful. There were various shields lining the walls. Some had ornate Celtic symbols carved into the metal. One had the MacLeod arms on it. The light glinted off of them & she could only imagine how it would shimmer when the sconces were lit.
"I knew ye'd like
"It's lovely Ewan." She lowered her voice, "Are we supposed to be in here?" Ewan giggled. "I assume this is for special occasions?"
Sonya ran her fingers over the carvings around the fireplace. The tapestries with golden threads running through them were like the ones in the other hall, but there were plums & blues & deep greens in them.
"I have something else to shew ye." Ewan & Sonya blew out the candles & they closed the door.
"You are going to get us in trouble master Ewan," she said, but he just laughed & she smiled after him. She had a happy childhood & it brought back memories for her.
This time Ewan took her back down the corridor & just around the corner. She looked at him & he nodded. She was to have the pleasure of opening this door. She did & her mouth fell open. It was a library & the most wonderful library that she had ever seen. The walls were covered in books! The shelves were as high as the ceiling & all around the shelves were intricate carvings. There was a circular staircase that went up to a catwalk so you could reach the books there.
Ewan tugged on her sleeve, handing her a note. "I must gew now."
Ewan & Aaralyn ran out. Sonya opened the message which was penned in a beautiful writing. It was from Duncan. Her stomach fluttered.
Sonya, of the Clan MacLeod,
I doona write much, so ye may wish ta keep this with yer bible. I asked Ewan to show ye the library. I am sure ye can make use of it. I look forward to seeing ye when I return.
Duncan MacLeod